
Monday, November 28, 2011

Cyberduck File Transfer Software

When it comes to file transfer software, I have been using WinSCP for the past years. But there have been other applications that I looked at and evaluated. Cyberduck is one of them. Back in March I published a guide on how to upload multiple documents to Google Docs from the desktop and Cyberduck was the program of choice for that operation.

The program has been updated today which gave me the perfect incentive to review it here on Ghacks Technology News.

Cyberduck is an open source file transfer software that is available for Windows PCs and Apple Macintosh systems. It supports a wide variety of different protocols and even connects perfectly to several popular online services and cloud space providers. The program supports both ftp and sftp connections as well as WebDAV. In addition, it supports connections to Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Windows Azure, Rackspace, Cloud Files and Google Docs.

cyberduck file transfer client

The program displays all previously configured account in the main interface on startup. You can double-click on an account to connect to the service right away, edit existing accounts or create new ones. If you start the program for the first time, you are likely starting to add accounts first.

Just click on the plus icon in the main interface to add a new account to the program. Everything is configured in the first window that pops up. You select the desired protocol or service from the pulldown menu at the top, assign a custom name for the connection, add the server IP or hostname and username to the listing.

A click on More Options displays additional parameters that can be configured. You can assign a path, connection mode, encoding, the local folder and additional information. You will be asked for a password once you initiate the connection. The password can be saved if needed.

file transfer connection

One of the features that WinSCP offers that Cyberduck lacks on first sight is a second file browser to transfer files more easily between the online or network storage and the local system. It is however possible to open multiple windows and drag and drop files or folders between windows. Server to server transfers, if supported by the servers, are now supported by the file transfer software.

Cyberduck offers many features that may not be apparent right away. Among the features are file synchronization options, Growl support, server access history, advanced SSH features, and interoperability.

Windows and Mac users can download the latest version of the software from the official website. The software will ask for a donation on close which you can simply close.

© Martin Brinkmann for gHacks Technology News | Latest Tech News, Software And Tutorials, 2011. | Permalink |
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