
Monday, January 30, 2012

Get Your Free Cebit 2012 Tickets Here

Cebit, the world’s largest computer expo, is held each year in Hannover, Germany. It is an international expo that is attracting companies and trade experts, as well as tech savvy visitors from all over the world. This year’s Cebit is taking place from March 6 to 10. Single tickets and full-event tickets can be ordered on the official website and at the expo directly. A single day ticket sets you back 34 Euros, a full-event ticket 79 Euros.

It is fairly common that tech companies give away Cebit day tickets to trade experts and sometimes even interested visitors who have no ties to the industry.

One company that is currently giving away Cebit Tickets is the computer manufacturer Dell. Please note that the whole Registration process is in German. I have added annotations to the screenshots for your convenience. Visit the ticket registration page on this web page and fill out the form in the lower right of the screen.

cebit 2012 tickets

All you need to fill out is your first name, last name, email address, phone number and company that you are working for. You also need to click on the pulldown menu to select the number of tickets that you want. You can select between one to five tickets.

You are then taken to the next page where your tickets are listed on as links. These links lead to the official Cebit website where you have to register again to complete the registration process.

register cebit ticket

Good news is that you can switch that registration form to English. The ticket code should have been entered automatically, so that you only need to click on the next button to go to the next step of the registration process.

cebit free tickets

You are then asked to enter user account information and business details into the forms on the next two pages, before you will receive confirmation that your ticket has been registered successfully on the last page. Please note that you need to complete the same steps – without the registration of course – for each ticket that you have ordered from Dell.

Each ticket is then send automatically as a printable e-ticket to the registered email address. You need to print out the ticket and have it with you to gain admission.

It is not clear if the contingent is limited. I suggest you use it immediately if you are interested in free Cebit tickets. I’m not sure if I can make it this year, but if I do, I’d love to meet some of you there. (thanks Caschy)


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